Dear mi familia,
Hola, como estan ustedes? yo soy muy bien. Como stan sus vidas? imi vida anora es muy bueno!
I got your emails today so I will probably write more in that. I'm not sure if you sent my Spanish notes yet but I could really use them.
Sounds like Seahawks are doing ok with Pete Carrol.
We have two elders from our district leaving tomorrow for Guatamala. It will be sad because they are a lot of fun.
Well I'll write more in my email while we do our laundry.
Love, Elder Peck
Here are a few exceprts from a letter he wrote Sam today too,
I'm sure you have no competion in video games now that I'm gone. I was the best at everything. Keep practicing and maybe you can beat me when I get back.
My mission so far is awesome! I'm glad I decided to go. It is the best decision I have ever made in my life.
(insert talk about school/seminary/drums)
Well Sam, start preparing for your mission now. I wish I would have started sooner. I can't wait until you get to go on a mission also. It will be the greatest experience ever. Well keep writing me because I like hearing from you guys.
i yo se gue la Iglesia es verdadera (I know that the church is true)
Love your favorite brother
Elder Ty Peck
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
MTC #5
well right now we are doing our laundry and there are computers here. i just got an email from tim hoyt. im not going to capitalize the begining of my sentences cause im too lazy. so this last week went by super fast but i didnt get any letters except for a couple dear elders from amanda and a letter from sam. luke actually wrote me but i got it after p day so i couldnt reply until today so if luke reads this your reply is on the way and i sent a tape today. sooo i dont know this last week we just learned a lot of spanish and taught a lot of lessons. we are working on the plan of salvation lesson right now and its a little difficult cause the "investigators" we teach ask questions that can take a while to explain and we only get 30 min to teach. every wednesday we go to the TRC where i teach pretend investigators and it helps a lot. we get good feedback and we usually do a good job even though there are 3 of us. its harder to teach with 3 cause we have to all talk the same amount and we all have our specific sections we talk about. i usually do God loves us, the great Apostasy and the BOM. we got a new district this week and they are all pretty cool. we are getting another new one wednesday so we will be one of the older districts already. its funny watching them struggle with spanish cause i was in the same position. we try to help them a lot and we have been contacting them in spanish. we will say something in spanish and when they have confused looks on their faces we translate for them.
well right now we are doing our laundry and there are computers here. i just got an email from tim hoyt. im not going to capitalize the begining of my sentences cause im too lazy. so this last week went by super fast but i didnt get any letters except for a couple dear elders from amanda and a letter from sam. luke actually wrote me but i got it after p day so i couldnt reply until today so if luke reads this your reply is on the way and i sent a tape today. sooo i dont know this last week we just learned a lot of spanish and taught a lot of lessons. we are working on the plan of salvation lesson right now and its a little difficult cause the "investigators" we teach ask questions that can take a while to explain and we only get 30 min to teach. every wednesday we go to the TRC where i teach pretend investigators and it helps a lot. we get good feedback and we usually do a good job even though there are 3 of us. its harder to teach with 3 cause we have to all talk the same amount and we all have our specific sections we talk about. i usually do God loves us, the great Apostasy and the BOM. we got a new district this week and they are all pretty cool. we are getting another new one wednesday so we will be one of the older districts already. its funny watching them struggle with spanish cause i was in the same position. we try to help them a lot and we have been contacting them in spanish. we will say something in spanish and when they have confused looks on their faces we translate for them.
every night we have a party in our bedroom before lights out where we break out all the boxes that have been sent to us and just snack all night. its a lot of fun we actually recorded most of one last night on the tape recorder. so pretty much the laundry room is wayyy hot right now and gets way crowded. its hard to find an open machine and when we finally do its hard to find a second one for our whites.
gym has been awesome. the gym itself finally opened last wednesday and we have been playing lots of basketball. its a lot of fun but i havent found my shot yet. usually we just played some beach volleyball or 4 square. we have two elders leaving tomorrow morning for the guatemala mtc. it will be sad cause they are way fun. one of the elders shared with us his experience today about getting hit in the head by a disk in track. he got hit in the side of the head and it demolished the side of his skull and took out some of his brain. he was put into a medically induced coma for a month and the doctors told his parents to pull the plug. he eventually came out of it and learned how to walk talk and do everything again. the next year he took first in state in disk, javelin, and shotput. he was named miracle patient of the year.
my companions are so much fun. its crazy that we are already like best friends with each other after less than 3 weeks. im sure not all my companions will be like this in chile but ill enjoy this while i can. the mtc has gone by so fast. its crazy to think that we are almost halfway done.
well i dont have much time left and my clothes will be done soon so everybody write me cause last week was boring at night when i had nothing to read. tell eli and braden that doing homework is no excuse to not write me.
from Elder Peck.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
MTC #4
Dear Familia,
Yes! I have been getting those dear elder things. It's annoying being asking everyday if I get them when I can't write back until Monday! Anywho, I shared that Temple story with my district and the thought it was sweet. My companions and I were thinking some healthier snacks would be good too like triscuits, wheat thins, etc..and some sunflower seeds.
This last week has been pretty fun. We invented a game during gym which is 4 square but with nine people. It's hard but fun. We have also played lots of beach volleyball. The gym has been closed all summer I guess but re-opens tomorrow. I'm excited to play some bball. You guys shoudl tell my friends about Dear elder cause I haven't heard from anybody else yet. I wrote them all last week though.
Sounds like Seahawks will do bad is Hasselback keeps sucking. At least the WNBA team is good.
I've been taking lots of pictures and I'll probably send some with this letter if they get done in time.
I hope seminary is going well for Sam. It's hard sometimes because you get so tired but he will leart a lot.
In my personal studies I've been reading mostly in the BOM but I also read about Elijah and Moses a lot. Those are both really awesome stories.
My district is awesome and so are my companions. There is one elder in the district who is very ADHD and doesn't stop talking during study time so I have had to say, hey let's be more reverent and respectful but he doesn't get it. I love being DL it's a lot of fun and a great learning experience.
We have two teachers that switch teaching. One in the AM and one in the PM. They are both really smart and a lot of fun. I'll probably write more stuff in my email later so TTYL.
Love, Ty Peck
Dear Familia,
Yes! I have been getting those dear elder things. It's annoying being asking everyday if I get them when I can't write back until Monday! Anywho, I shared that Temple story with my district and the thought it was sweet. My companions and I were thinking some healthier snacks would be good too like triscuits, wheat thins, etc..and some sunflower seeds.
This last week has been pretty fun. We invented a game during gym which is 4 square but with nine people. It's hard but fun. We have also played lots of beach volleyball. The gym has been closed all summer I guess but re-opens tomorrow. I'm excited to play some bball. You guys shoudl tell my friends about Dear elder cause I haven't heard from anybody else yet. I wrote them all last week though.
Sounds like Seahawks will do bad is Hasselback keeps sucking. At least the WNBA team is good.
I've been taking lots of pictures and I'll probably send some with this letter if they get done in time.
I hope seminary is going well for Sam. It's hard sometimes because you get so tired but he will leart a lot.
In my personal studies I've been reading mostly in the BOM but I also read about Elijah and Moses a lot. Those are both really awesome stories.
My district is awesome and so are my companions. There is one elder in the district who is very ADHD and doesn't stop talking during study time so I have had to say, hey let's be more reverent and respectful but he doesn't get it. I love being DL it's a lot of fun and a great learning experience.
We have two teachers that switch teaching. One in the AM and one in the PM. They are both really smart and a lot of fun. I'll probably write more stuff in my email later so TTYL.
Love, Ty Peck
Monday, September 20, 2010
MTC #3
I have been getting all your dear elder letters dont worry. I can only write you all on mondays though. Anyways, this week has gone by so fast. Its been a lot of fun learning all the spanish and how to teach. I got to teach a lesson yesterday in our district meeting for an hour about how to teach investigators about the commandments. I thought it went really well. It has been a lot of fun getting to know everyboy in the district too. We all for the most part have similar tastes in music. We are usually talking about music or movies at meal times and sometimes we get off task during group studies and just talk. Its nice to be able to have a break during our 4 hour study periods though.
I have been getting all your dear elder letters dont worry. I can only write you all on mondays though. Anyways, this week has gone by so fast. Its been a lot of fun learning all the spanish and how to teach. I got to teach a lesson yesterday in our district meeting for an hour about how to teach investigators about the commandments. I thought it went really well. It has been a lot of fun getting to know everyboy in the district too. We all for the most part have similar tastes in music. We are usually talking about music or movies at meal times and sometimes we get off task during group studies and just talk. Its nice to be able to have a break during our 4 hour study periods though.
How's seminary been so far for sam? Im sure he will learn a lot, its too bad he didnt get sis benum as his teacher she was the best. Im sure the billy will be really good for him also. I hope high school has been good for him. Im sure Protzeller and Ames have been tough too. They may seem hard and stuff but they are both really good teachers. Its good to see that meridian is going good but hasselbeck just needs to be dropped. They should use Charlie Whitehurst, he is so much better. I heard the BYU QB Max Hall is the backup in arizona now. Thats pretty cool. I dont really care about the WNBA but at least there is one winning team in washington.
My companions and I get along so well. The other night we stayed up wayy late singing a whole new world from aladdin. they were pretty much screaming up while i just laughed the whole time but the elders in our district next to us started banging on the wall so we stopped. I translated If Today was Tomorrow into spanish yesterday. It was actually a good learning experience cause i found out some words i had forgotten about. Speaking of spanish, you should send me my spanish notes soon i think they are in my closet.
Well i dont want to take up too much time the rest of my district is waiting to email and i am sending a letter with some pictures tomorrow anyways so you can see my district and my companions. Make sure to tell eli braden luke and all them about dear elder cause i havent heard from them yet. I have seen a couple guys from our stake down here like Tanner Clark and Brian Pugmire and another guy who i dont know.
Entonces, yo necesito ir. Buenos dias!
Love Elder Peck
Thursday, September 16, 2010
MTC #2
Caro mi familia,
Como estan uds? Yo yoy bien y estoy cansado. That says: Dear my family, how are you guys? I am well and tired. Today is Monday and it is my P-day. I got mom's letter our second day. We didn't do anything except orientation Wednesday. Honestly, I wasn't too scared, mostly impatient and just wanting to go. The first day was crazy. We got here and got signed in then went to our classroom to meet our district. We have 4 sisters and 4 elders. I am in a tri-panionship whith Elder Carsen from Utah and Elder Clark from Alaska. They are both SO ANNOYING! Just kidding, they are both awesome and so much fun. They have both been in bands before and we all love sports so we get along so well. My district is so awesome too. All of us except 2 elders are going to Chile, Santiago North. The 2 are going to Guatemala in 3 weeks. Everybody is from the US and we are the best district ever. We are all best friends now and we all love each other.
I was made district leader our second day here and it's awesome! I basically just lead the district with study time and get mail for everybody. I have learned so much already! We get up at six and start our day by seven and I haven't even been tired yet. We talk in Spanish a lot! We learned how to pray and bear our testimonies en espanol.
For our mail time we figured out the mail theme song from Blues Clues in Spanish. We sing it as I pass out letters. We went to the Provo temple today. Afterwards we checked mail. My days pretty much consist of personal study, breakfast, class, lunch, more companionship study, gym, dinner, more companionship study & language study. The days have been flying by.
The People in my district are:
Hermana Stevens, Hermana Whyte, Hermana Forbush, Hermana Evans, Elder Clark, Elder Mason, Elder Orton, Elder Larsen, Elder Durrant, Elder Stewart and Elder Peck.
The food has been amazing here and yes there is unlimited cereal and chocolate milk.
I love it here, it's so much fun and my companions & district are awesome. How's high school for Sam? I hope he is liking his teachers, Protzeller and Ames are cool. I'm sure Shelley has been asking about me and yes, I will send her picture home to Amanda. Keep my updated on the Seahawks, Huskies and just sports in general. We all want to know what's going on out there.
Yo se gue la Iglesia es verda deron y Jose Smith fue un profeta de Dios. Yo se gue Jesucristo murio por nosotros y yo sou agndecias por la expiacion.
I miss home a lot and I hope all is well.
Elder Peck
side note from Amanda: The Spanish is written the best I could do. Ty's handwriting is...a little difficult to read sometimes so it might not be 100% correct ;)
Caro mi familia,
Como estan uds? Yo yoy bien y estoy cansado. That says: Dear my family, how are you guys? I am well and tired. Today is Monday and it is my P-day. I got mom's letter our second day. We didn't do anything except orientation Wednesday. Honestly, I wasn't too scared, mostly impatient and just wanting to go. The first day was crazy. We got here and got signed in then went to our classroom to meet our district. We have 4 sisters and 4 elders. I am in a tri-panionship whith Elder Carsen from Utah and Elder Clark from Alaska. They are both SO ANNOYING! Just kidding, they are both awesome and so much fun. They have both been in bands before and we all love sports so we get along so well. My district is so awesome too. All of us except 2 elders are going to Chile, Santiago North. The 2 are going to Guatemala in 3 weeks. Everybody is from the US and we are the best district ever. We are all best friends now and we all love each other.
I was made district leader our second day here and it's awesome! I basically just lead the district with study time and get mail for everybody. I have learned so much already! We get up at six and start our day by seven and I haven't even been tired yet. We talk in Spanish a lot! We learned how to pray and bear our testimonies en espanol.
For our mail time we figured out the mail theme song from Blues Clues in Spanish. We sing it as I pass out letters. We went to the Provo temple today. Afterwards we checked mail. My days pretty much consist of personal study, breakfast, class, lunch, more companionship study, gym, dinner, more companionship study & language study. The days have been flying by.
The People in my district are:
Hermana Stevens, Hermana Whyte, Hermana Forbush, Hermana Evans, Elder Clark, Elder Mason, Elder Orton, Elder Larsen, Elder Durrant, Elder Stewart and Elder Peck.
The food has been amazing here and yes there is unlimited cereal and chocolate milk.
I love it here, it's so much fun and my companions & district are awesome. How's high school for Sam? I hope he is liking his teachers, Protzeller and Ames are cool. I'm sure Shelley has been asking about me and yes, I will send her picture home to Amanda. Keep my updated on the Seahawks, Huskies and just sports in general. We all want to know what's going on out there.
Yo se gue la Iglesia es verda deron y Jose Smith fue un profeta de Dios. Yo se gue Jesucristo murio por nosotros y yo sou agndecias por la expiacion.
I miss home a lot and I hope all is well.
Elder Peck
side note from Amanda: The Spanish is written the best I could do. Ty's handwriting is...a little difficult to read sometimes so it might not be 100% correct ;)
Monday, September 13, 2010
MTC #1
Hola mi familia! The MTC is awesome! I love it so much. Ive learned soo much already. Ive learned lots of spanish also. Im sending home a letter to the fam but ill include a few things in here. My district is the best district. We are the only ones with sisters in our branch. I have a few things i need from the fam.... A new watch because the hands on mine dont work..the battery isnt dead cause the digital part works, the tape recorder, hard copy of my license, snacks, tim and ryans addresses and some money in my checking account so i can get some stuff i need from the book store. some snack my companions and i came up with are swedish fish, sour patch kids, resses. fruit snacks, beef jerkey and just anything else that is good. I was made district leader on my second day and its a lot of fun. Mostly i just get peoples mail and make sure we are all together as a district. I dont have much else to say that isnt in my letter so i hope to hear from you all soon and i hope all is well.
From Elder Peck.
(I had sent him an email telling him I keep trying to text him but remember he doesn't have his phone so that explains the first part)
I totally know what you mean! I keep feeling vibrations in my pocket even though i dont have a phone. Monday is my p day btw. I have two companions and they are awesome. We all get along really well. I am sending a letter home today also but i got your picture of shelley which will be sent home as quickly as i can. Ive learned tons of stuff lots of spanish too. We have unlimited cereal and chocolate milk and all the food is delicious. I actually had mashed potatoes and loved it. well i gotta send an email to the family email now and i only get 30 minutes a day. ttyl see ya
He's a kid of many words. We'll see if we have a real letter in the mail today too!
Hola mi familia! The MTC is awesome! I love it so much. Ive learned soo much already. Ive learned lots of spanish also. Im sending home a letter to the fam but ill include a few things in here. My district is the best district. We are the only ones with sisters in our branch. I have a few things i need from the fam.... A new watch because the hands on mine dont work..the battery isnt dead cause the digital part works, the tape recorder, hard copy of my license, snacks, tim and ryans addresses and some money in my checking account so i can get some stuff i need from the book store. some snack my companions and i came up with are swedish fish, sour patch kids, resses. fruit snacks, beef jerkey and just anything else that is good. I was made district leader on my second day and its a lot of fun. Mostly i just get peoples mail and make sure we are all together as a district. I dont have much else to say that isnt in my letter so i hope to hear from you all soon and i hope all is well.
From Elder Peck.
(I had sent him an email telling him I keep trying to text him but remember he doesn't have his phone so that explains the first part)
I totally know what you mean! I keep feeling vibrations in my pocket even though i dont have a phone. Monday is my p day btw. I have two companions and they are awesome. We all get along really well. I am sending a letter home today also but i got your picture of shelley which will be sent home as quickly as i can. Ive learned tons of stuff lots of spanish too. We have unlimited cereal and chocolate milk and all the food is delicious. I actually had mashed potatoes and loved it. well i gotta send an email to the family email now and i only get 30 minutes a day. ttyl see ya
He's a kid of many words. We'll see if we have a real letter in the mail today too!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Day 1
Ty (Elder Peck?!) got dropped off at the MTC today! He checked in at 1:30 and was whisked away by a nice elder who helped him with his bags. He didn't seem nervous or anything but we are waiting for his first letter. Once we start getting letters we will update with those. He will be in the MTC for about 2 months (until beginning of November-ish). Then he will fly out to Santiago, Chile! We went as a family down to Utah for a week and a half before he checked in. We managed to go to Temple Square and several other temples while we were there. Here are a few photos:
Ty and Mom in the Joseph Smith Memorial building. Thursday
Ty in front of the MTC for our "fake drop-off" since our parents had to leave 3 days before he checked in. Thursday
Family minus Amanda in front of the Salt Lake Temple Tuesday
Washington Pecks and Utah Pecks outside the Mt. Timpanogos temple Monday night.