Hey everybody just a quick update. This will probably be another short email since there isnt much going on right now. Me and my companion are doing a little bit better. I decided I just needed to sit him down and tell him how it is. I basically told him that if he cant get over the little things in his companions and just be happy with people then it will be hard for him to have success. Hes finally realizing that true success comes from happiness as a missionary so hes been working a little bit harder.
Todays a pretty sad day for me because Elder Moore is going home next week. I lived with him in Los Conquistadores when I first started the misison and we set up a big bbq with him and some converts of ours. It was great seeing him and all our old friends but hard saying goodbye. I cant imagine what that day will be like for me. Im going to finish a year in the mission in just a couple of weeks so Im trying hard not to think about the end and Im trying to focus on today but it can be hard sometimes. We have been having a lot of success lately in getting references from members but we just need to get these people to church. We are hoping to have a couple baptisms this next month but the people here are just a little too lazy haha. I have a personal goal of 16 baptisms before I go home so that I can have 20 as a total.
Anyways, thats about it for me this week. Sorry once again for the short email but not much to write about. The end of this change is coming up this next sunday and a lot of new missionaries are arriving so Im hoping to train a newbie!
Thats crazy how Eli is leaving already for college. Im pretty excited to see him leave for the mission then come back a grown man haha. Hes already grown up a lot but as we all know people grow up on the misison....except for elder zander he went backwards. I definately love this work. There is nothing better than these two years I am experiencing right now. There are days when I just wish I could go home or that time would go faster but then there are other days when I wish time would stop here so that I could do this forever. Im sure every missionary knows how I feel haha. Im pretty excited that time is going by fast though. I never thought before the mission how hard it really was to leave everything behind. Its pretty crazy that Ive been in a foreign country for almost a year. Speaking a different language is fun too plus all the friends Im making in the mission is awesome.
Love Elder Peck
1. What was your favorite thing from your last package that we sent? (I sent you a jump rope because you said it was hard to get in exercising so I hope that helps a little).
I really liked the glasses haha but yeah the jump rope was nice even though Ive been pretty lazy with my excersise time in the morning
Im hoping to stay here for at least 6 months. Ive never been in a sector that long but they are starting to do that more often so that missionaries can create a good bond with the ward. transfers are coming up this next sunday and im hoping to train!
3. How’s teaching going? How many investigators do you have right now?We have quite a few investigators but they dont progress!! they never do haha so we are contantly finding more. Marcelo (his daughter got baptized last week) is awesome. Hes pretty much a member already but his wife just needs to leave so he can get baptized
4. Have you ever used that building block (or cups) idea I sent to teach about the restoration? If so, would you like more ideas like that or not?
No I havent beause I havent had a lot of time to put it all together and stuff but maybe if you guys have any cool plan of salvation stuff you coul send?
5. Tell us one cool thing that happened this week.
This week.... We walked in to ask this kid to come out and do some appointments with us and hes the only member in his family. The family is really nice and stuff its just that they are too lazy to go to church or they would already be members. we walked in and his little sister whos 7 wanted a blessing. she also told us that she turns 8 soon and wants to get baptized!! so we will be teaching her sometime today or tomorrow.
6. Do you ever bless the sacrament there?
We passed it this last week because there are NO youth in this ward. Ive never blessed the sacrament but Im guessing I will have to pretty soon cause this ward is getting smaller every week haha.
7. When does Spring/Summer start there?
spring is starting right now. its usually still cold at night but its getting pretty warm during the day. it sucks cause we go out without jackets and it gets really cold at night and we have to go back and pick them up.
Also some pictures:
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Ty with his first Chile Comp. |
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looks like he must not walk much.... |
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