
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Renca 1 #9

Happy Mother's Day Everyone!

Happy mothers day to all the mothers out there.  I had a good mothers day.  We got to skype the families and talk for about an hour which was a lot of fun.  It was good having a few friends who went over to my house to say hi also.  This last week was an ok week.  We found 8 new investigators but nobody showed up at church.  We were hoping to have at least 6 because we have that family but they had a family member sick and werent able to go.  We actually did have one guy show up to church about an hour late and was kinda drunk.  We had stopped passing by for him a while back because hes kinda crazy first of all and second of all he drinks way too much.  It was hard yesterday also erasing names from our board of investigators because of problems like that in their lives.  When people dont progress or dont do the things they need to do we cant really help them.  Its especially hard because we see some of these people everyday just passing in the street.  Also, or investigator Roxanna told us that she doesnt want us to come  by anymore to teach her because its just too hard for her to believe in Christ.  She still thinks its just a fairy tale and its too hard for her to change the beliefs shes had her whole life.  It was a sad day for us but we are still working hard.  We have been finding a lot of people through a program we have here called Permanaced.  Its basically like we go around with a list of all the inactive members in our area and visit with them.  Usually they dont let us in but sometimes they do and sometimes we find out they have kids or other family members who arent baptized.  We are working on reactivating a few families right now so their kids can be baptized.  There are a LOT of inactive members in Chile.  Some people hardly even remember their baptisms or arent even sure if they got baptized or not.  Its sad to see that they didnt have a spiritual experience in the church.  A lot of the time too they went inactive becuase they got offended by some member saying something stupid.  We are going to try working harder with the members though so that our investigators will be able to stay in the church easier.  When they know the members, they will stay in the church and always have a support system around them. 
Thats about it for me this week but I would like to challenge you all (because my mom likes my challenges) to give at least one reference to the missionaries this week.  If we just think about it for a second....if every member gave one reference and that reference got baptized, the membership would double.  Dont we want our brothers and sisters in the true church?  Again, happy mothers day everybody and have a great week.
Love Elder Peck

We got to talk to Ty on Sunday via Skype. It was fun to see him and talk to him. It was neat to hear him speak Spanish so well too. We were able to talk for about an hour then it was time to go. A few close friends of his came over as well to say hi, I think he liked seeing them more than the family ;) He's doing well and really enjoys serving the people of Chile!

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