
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Renca 1 #7


So, we had cambios today and I have a new companion!  Im with Elder Heath now from Massachusets!  He got here the same time as Elder Memmott so he just has a few more months then me here.  We should be having a great cambio here in Renca 1.
This last week went really well.  We found a family of 5 on saturday and they are pretty much just waiting to be baptized.  We taught them the Restoration and they all understood very well and were really excited to know that they could pray and ask if its true.  We have a few other people that are getting ready to be baptized within the next few weeks.  Another exciting thing is that Elder Larsen is in my zone!!!!  I´ll get to see him at least once a week now so that should be great.  We also had our english lesson with Roxanna yesterday and it went really well.  She told us that she still has a few doubts about praying and stuff and also believes in reincarnation so its hard for her to understand the plan of salvation.  We tried to explain it but I think she still has a few doubts about it.  We invited her to pray about it of course and hopefully she will do it.  When Elder Memmott was packing up today we realized that me and him never took any pictures together so we took one right before we changed with our new companions but sorry for not taking enough pictures.  I also found a pile of ties in the house they an old elder left here a long time ago and they are all really nice haha.  I found a suit too and I´ll try that on later to see if it fits me. 
Its sad to hear the Selfs are moving.  Hopefully I´ll be able to see Ryan at college or something like that.  It seems like whenever the ward gains a couple people more people leave.  Hopefully the Youngs or the Wilsons dont move out of the area.  Mostly because I need to beat them at Catan first before they can move. 
Anyways, thats about it for me this week.  We are going to be baptizing this cambio si o si.
Love Elder Ty Peck

He also sent me another email to answer my question about Easter, if they did anything special for it down there. He said no, it was like a normal day and the people didn't really get into it.

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