Who wants honey, as long as there's money.
So this last week was a great week. We found 4 new people to teach!!!! We are very excited about that and they are all really good too. We had some good contacts and actually one of them is a nonmember husband of a member family. When we handed him the BOM he started reading the intro right there and was really into it. All the people we have been teaching have all said that they always felt something was missing in the churches theyve been going to and that it says in the bible there should only be one church. We then go on to explain the Life of Jesus, the great apostasy, and then the restoration and it all makes a lot of sense for them. Im really excited for these people.
We have been visiting this inactive family too that are really good. We showed up one day and they have like a few little kids running around screaming and stuff and tons of people in the house. We sat down and started talking to them about life and going to church and stuff. They said they really want to go to church but its hard with the little kids because they are soooo hyper (reminds me of our ward). We told them that they shouldnt worry because there are little kids in every ward and there will always be those moments when the children are loud and stuff. Sooo....they showed up to church yesterday! We didnt expect it but they came and it was really good to see them. All the members in our ward are super good too with greeting people and getting to know people plus this family is already pretty well known around here so it was easy for them. Then last night we went over to do a FHE with the family and then said that having us over and being able to go to church, read and pray as a family has really brought the spirit back into their house. I was very happy to see that they are turning things back around and wanting to raise the kids in the church.
Sad story of the week....So our investigator that was supposed to get baptized yesterday didnt. We talked with her last week about how its going and how she feels and she doesnt feel ready yet. She is still slowly trying to quit smoking and its hard for her to do that but shes progressing. We asked her what date she would like to be baptized and she said 17th of april. At first we both though thats its so far away and tons of things could happen with her but its best for her to feel prepared and comfortable to stay active in the church.
The new sector is great and the members here are great too. They help us out a lot and are really nice. Im having a lot of fun in this sector and time is flying by!
Love ElDeR tY pEcK
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