
Friday, November 5, 2010

MTC #15

Dear Family,
So I'm sitting here in the devotional waiting for it to start. People are saying it's another Apostle. I just saw Haley earlier and talked to her for like 20 minutes in line. I heard the band is doing awesome. So Elder M. Russell Ballard just walked in, I'll write more later.
Alright, now I'm in my room. I got your dear elders and you sent me a story from Jeanie and Joe's thing but it's the third time I've gotten it. So, the devotional was way good. He talked about being a "master communicator". I actually let Haley and her comp. into line next to us or else they probably would have gone to the overflow in another building.
Mom challenged me to finish El Libro de Mormon by the end of the year. I guess I could start over because by the time you get this letter, I will be finished. I have like 25 pages left. I've learned so much from it and I can't wait to read it again. You guys should read Hebrews 11. It's a whole chapter about faith and it's way good. Especially verse 34. Verse 34 mentions armies of aliens.
So the last couple weeks have been hard. It's crazy that we are leaving in 5 days! No puedo esparar!
I feel like I will be so confused when I get there. It may seem like I know the language but I still have tons to learn. We have super good teachers though and I feel as prepared as I could ever be. The days have been getting longer and it's hard to stay on task during our hours of study time. My favorite time of day is personal study. We get an hour to just read/ponder/study. I usually just read LdM (BOM).

Pues, estoy muy cansado. Tenia un dia muy largo. Yo se gue la Iglesia de Jesueristo de los Santos de los Ultimos dias es verdadera. Se gue Jose Smith tradujo los planchas de oro. En mi vida, yo tenia muchas pruebas pero mediante oracion y fe. Yo vencia mis pruebas. Yo se que Jesucristo es nuestro Salvador y Redentor. El murio para nuestros pecados. Estoy muy agradecodo porla Expiacion. Jesuersito es nuestro hermano y dios es nuesturo Padre Celestial. En el nombre de Jesucristo Amen.

Elder Peck

(again that Spanish might be typed wrong, it's hard to read his writing in another language)
we also got some pictures that I scanned:

 Caption on the back: Elder Larsen carrying me after I hurt my leg in softball.

 no caption

Caption on back: Me emailing during laundry time

Here are bits and pieces from the letters he sent Sam and I yesterday:

Dear Amanda,
Thanks for the letters/pictures. Written letters are better than dear elders. So we leave the 7th I am way excited. I can't wait to get out of Utah. The weather has been rainy/snowy/sunny.
BTW darth vader would kill charizard. I don't know what else to write.
On the 7th you should have a bunch of my friends come over to the house so I can talk to them too. We will be in Texas around 6 so that would be like 4 your time I think.
Missions are awesome.  You should go on one.  You would love it out here too!
Anyways, I got a ton of letters to write and no time at all. I'll email more stuff in like 20 minutes anyways. Love ya! The church is true!
Love Elder Peck

Dear Sam
Thanks for your letter! I heard you have been playing drumset a lot? That's awesome, Have you been practicing a lot? I heard you have been struggling a little bit. You should pray and ask Heavenly Father for help. I know if you read your scriptures and apply yourself He will help you. I have seen it 100 times here just this week! It's amazing how much He helps us with our trials when we apply ourselves. Well keep doing your best and work hard. The church is true!
Love Elder Ty S. Peck

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